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Talk on the Street: The Impact of Good Streetscape Design on Neighbourhood Experience in Low-density Suburbs

Abass, Z. I.; Tucker, R. (2021) Housing, Theory and Society 38(2):204-227

Residential satisfaction in low-density Australian suburbs: the impact of social and physical context on neighbourhood contentment

Abass, Z. I.; Tucker, R. (2018) Journal of environmental psychology 56:36-45

White picket fences & other features of the suburban physical environment: correlates of neighbourhood attachment in 3 Australian low-density suburbs

Abass, Z.; Tucker, R. (2018) Landscape and Urban Planning 170:231-240

Socializing in the suburbs: relationships between neighbourhood design and social interaction in low-density housing contexts

Abass, Zainab Ibrahim; Andrews, Fiona; Tucker, Richard (2020) Journal of urban design 25(1):108-133

The impacts of social and physical context on neighbourhood satisfaction in the suburbs

Abass, Zainab Ibrahim; Tucker, Richard (2017) Architectural Science Association. International Conference (51st : 2017 : Wellington, New Zealand), Wellington, New Zealand, 29 Nov 2017 - 02 Dec 2017. Schnabel MA. ANZAScA : Back to the future: the next 50 years : Proceedings of the 51st International Conference of the Architectural Science Association. Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA), Sydney, N.S.W.. 55-64.

Measuring accessibility in low density housing: the role of neighbourhood design

Abass, Zainab; Tucker, Richard (2020) Buildings, Construction and Environmental Engineering. International Conference (4th : 2019 : Instanbul, Turkey), Istanbul, Turkey, 07 Oct 2019 - 09 Oct 2019. Al-Mukhtar M. BCEE4 2019 : Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Buildings, Construction and Environmental Engineering. IOP Publishing, Bristol, Eng.. 737: 1-9

Homes for all – Connecting the built environment to health in Australia

Andrews, F. J.; Johnson, Louise; Tucker, Richard (2018) Architecture Media Politics Society. Conference (2018 : Bristol, England), Bristol, England, 25 Jan 2018 - 26 Jan 2018. AMPS Proceedings Series 11. Health: The Design, Planning and Politics of How and Where We Live.. AMPS, [Bristol, Eng.]. 197-3.

Impacts of building defects on the health and wellbeing of apartment residents: a scoping review

Andrews, Fiona; Moslehian, Anahita Sal; Johnston, Nicole; Tucker, Richard (2023) Building Research & Information 1-17

Design considerations for child and family friendly apartments: Stage 2

Andrews, Fiona; Palmer, Jasmine; Tucker, Richard; Johnson, Louise; Warner, Elyse; Lippi, Kehla (2021) 140 pages

Best Practice Design and Planning Guidelines for Family-Friendly Apartments

Andrews, Fiona; Tucker, Richard; Johnson, Louise; Palmer, Jasmine (2023) Urban Policy and Research 41:164-181

Child-friendly smart homes: An outline of possible challenges

Ehteshami, Azin; Lozanovska, Mirjana; Tucker, Richard (2023) Architectural Science Association Sustainability and Health the nexus of carbon neutral architecture and well-being. Conference (2023 : 56th : Launceston, Australia), Launceston, Australia, 29 Nov 2023 - 02 Dec 2023. Dewsbury M, Tanton D. ANZAScA 2023 : Sustainability and Health the nexus of carbon neutral architecture and well-being : Proceedings 56th Conference of the Architectural Science Association. University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS.

The death and life of Australian suburbs: Relationships between social activity and the physical qualities of Australian suburban neighbourhood centres

Farahani, L. M.; Izadpanahi, P.; Tucker, R. (2022) City, Culture and Society 28:100426-100426 Article number 100426

A Scoping Review of the Impact on Children of the Built Environment Design Characteristics of Healing Spaces

Gaminiesfahani, H.; Lozanovska, M.; Tucker, R. (2020) Health Environments Research and Design Journal 13(4):98-114 Article number ARTN 1937586720903845

Global Benchmarking of Accessible and Inclusive Cities

Henderson-Wilson, C.; Andrews, F.; Wilson, E.; Tucker, R. (2022) Journal of Social Inclusion 13(1):42-65

Accessible and Inclusive Cities: Exposing Design and Leadership Challenges for Bunbury and Geelong

Johnson, Adam; Tucker, Richard; Chau, Hing‐Wah; Jamei, Elmira (2022) Urban Planning 7(4):1-12

People with disabilities: enabling the city and planning for inclusion

Johnson, L. C.; Tucker, R.; Watchorn, V. (2022) In Alternative Planning History and Theory. Pojani D. 64-78. Routledge, London, Eng.

From rhetoric to actuality: researching ‘access’ and ‘inclusion’ in one Australian city

Johnson, Louise; Kelly, David; Andrews, Fiona; De Jong, Ursula; Frawley, Patsie; Tucker, Richard (2019) State of Australian Cities. National Conference (2019 : 9th : Perth, Western Australia), Perth, Western Australia, 30 Nov 2019 - 05 Dec 2019. Proceedings of 2019 9th State of Australian Cities National Conference. [The Conference], Perth, W.A.. 1-9.

Future proofing for hospital building design: from research to practice

Memari, S.; Kocaturk, T.; Lozanovska, M.; Andrews, F.; Tucker, R. (2023) Architectural Engineering and Design Management 19(6):681-700

The interdisciplinary conceptualization of future proofing in the context of hospital buildings

Memari, Sanaz; Kocaturk, Tuba; Lozanovska, Mirjana; Andrews, Fiona; Tucker, Richard (2022) Building Research and Information: the international journal of research, development and demonstration 50(7):810-826

An integral view of innovation in hospital building design: Understanding the context of the research/practice gap

Moslehian, Anahita Sal; Kocaturk, Tuba; Tucker, Richard (2022) Journal of Planning Literature 37(1):210-210

Analysis of Factors Historically Affecting Innovation in Hospital Building Design

Moslehian, Anahita Sal; Tucker, R.; Kocaturk, T.; Andrews, F. (2022) Health Environments Research and Design Journal 15(4):249-269

The nature of innovation in hospital building design: a mixed grounded theory study

Sal Moslehian, A.; Kocaturk, T.; Andrews, F.; Tucker, R. (2022) Construction innovation 23(4):792-814

Interim housing isn’t just a roof and four walls… Good design is key to getting people out of homelessness

Sal Moslehian, Anahita; Giles, David; Andrews, Fiona; Tucker, Richard

Fifty shades of green: tree coverage and neighbourhood attachment in relation to social interaction in Australian suburbs

Tucker, R.; Abass, Z. (2016) Architectural Science Association. International Conference (50th : 2016 : Adelaide, South Australia), Adelaide, South Australia, 07 Dec 2016 - 09 Dec 2016. Zuo J, Lyrian D, Soebarto V. ASA 2016 : Revisiting the Role of Architectural Science in Design and Practice : Proceedings of the 50th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association. University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Sth Aust.. 259-268.

Microvillage: assessing the viability of increasing supply of affordable, sustainable and socially integrated small homes

Tucker, R.; de Jong, U.; Johnson, L. C.; Johnston, N.; Lee, A.; Michaux, F.; Warner, E.; Andrews, F. J. (2021) Housing Studies 23 pages

Co-designing in Australia housing for people with intellectual disability: an integrative literature review

Tucker, R.; Frawley, P.; Lozanovska, M.; Prain, M. (2022) Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 37:2215-2235

Overcoming obstacles to accessibility and inclusivity in an Australian regional city: A transdisciplinary research approach

Tucker, R.; Kelly, D.; Frawley, P.; Johnson, L.; Andrews, F.; Murfitt, K.; Watchorn, V. (2023) Urban Policy and Research 41(3):262-278

Housing at the fulcrum: a systems approach to uncovering built environment obstacles to city scale accessibility and inclusion

Tucker, R.; Kelly, D.; Johnson, L.; de Jong, U.; Watchorn, V. (2022) Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 37(3):1179-1197

Strategies for Alleviating Locational Disadvantage in Geelong

Tucker, Richard; Andrews, Fiona; Bartel, Rebecca; Hitch, Dani; Liang, Jian; Thornton, Lukar; Bower, Isabella; Sal Moslehian, Anahita; Johnson, Louise; Mundell, Meg (2021) 310 pages. Deakin University, Geelong, Australia

The Independent Living Unit Project: Evaluating a compact, transitional, independent living housing model for homeless men

Tucker, Richard; Andrews, Fiona; Giles, David; Vecchiet, Ben; Sal Moslehian, Anahita (2023) 1-178

Microvillage Geelong Project: Exploring the Viability of Affordable Compact Homes for People Seeking Sustainable and Socially Integrated Lives

Tucker, Richard; De Jong, Ursula; Johnson, Louise; Johnston, Nicole; Lee, Adrian; Michaux, Fabienne; Warner, Elyse; Andrews, Fiona (2021) 1-206

Building an accessible and inclusive city

Tucker, Richard; Frawley, Patsie; Kelly, David; Johnson, Louise; Andrews, Fiona; Murfitt, Kevin (2020) In Sustaining social inclusion. Crisp B, Taket A. 292-303. Routledge, Abingdon, Eng.

Strategies for Alleviating Spatial Disadvantage: A Systems Thinking Analysis and Plan of Action

Tucker, Richard; Johnson, Louise; Liang, Jian; Allender, Steven (2022) Sustainability 14(17):1-18 Article number 10477

Accessible & Inclusive Geelong Feasibility Study

Tucker, Richard; Kelly, David; Frawley, Patsie; Johnson, Louise; Murfitt, Kevin; Andrews, Fiona; Brown, Andrew; Henderson-Wilson, Claire; De Jong, Ursula; Watchorn, Valerie; (2019) 1-208

An integrated literature review of the current discourse around universal design in the built environment–is occupation the missing link?

Watchorn, V.; Hitch, D.; Grant, C.; Tucker, R.; Aedy, K.; Ang, S.; Frawley, P. (2021) Disability and Rehabilitation 43(1):1-12

Evaluating universal design of built environments: an empirical study of stakeholder practice and perceptions

Watchorn, V.; Hitch, D.; Tucker, R.; Frawley, P.; Aedy, K.; Grant, C. (2023) Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 38:1491-1510

Evaluating universal design in built environments – a scoping project

Watchorn, Valerie; Grant, Cathryn; Tucker, Richard; Hitch, Danielle; Frawley, Patsie; Ang, Susan; Aedy, Kathryn; Gohil, Apeksha (2018) Universal Design and Higher Education in Transformation. Congress (2018 : Dublin, Ireland), Dublin, Ireland, 30 Oct 2018 - 02 Nov 2018. UDHEIT2018 : Transforming our World Through Design, Diversity and Education : Proceedings of the Universal Design and Higher Education in Transformation Congress. IOS Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 256: 689-695.

Co-design in the context of universal design: An Australian case study exploring the role of people with disabilities in the design of public buildings

Watchorn, Valerie; Tucker, Richard; Hitch, Danielle; Frawley, Patsie (2023) Design Journal 1-22

Child, parent, and family mental health and functioning in Australia during COVID-19: comparison to pre-pandemic data

Westrupp, E. M.; Bennett, C.; Berkowitz, T.; Youssef, G. J.; Toumbourou, J. W.; Tucker, R.; Andrews, F. J.; Evans, S.; Teague, S. J.; Karantzas, G. C.; (2023) European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 32:317-330

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